
That cut out has the creepiest smile

Thats funny I was going to be pick one up in the next few days. I always wanted one but couldn't bring myself to get one but now that they are so cheap i'm going to get one.

I know :(

If they are going to make it so you can't played used game at least make games cheaper.


Wont hurt having more then 1 way of doing things

Cancel order!!!

I wish I could just walk around and look at things.

My first 2 cars. :) Fun cars are fun.

Stay classy Gawker blog............sigh...

a hover car

"War... War has changed"

they have nothing better to do.

Thoughts? I don't care.


So because they are waiting overnight they are all "fanboys"?

No hostility from me. Just not your kind of game/s it seems.

If you ask me (I have said this before) Zelda is one of the most overrated titles.

To some people that "crappy FPS" is a good fps and if you like a FPS all you could really want is more maps and weapons.

The new tribes seem to do F2P pretty well