
The camera has been locked? It seems a post-production tracking from a static camera, indeed.

Just add a decent OS to it, and it's good to go.

Why people always forget to mention google analytics? This is better than cookies to trach anyone, because pseudo-webdesigners tend to use it in most sites, as it's free and ready to use. Analytics was created basically to track you even between sites.

Maybe they could use an inverted version of an iPhone antenna.

Or simply use a shielded wallet.

Just watched. The dubbed version is horrible (even worse than dubbed versions use to be), but the original is ok. Indeed, it was far better than I thought.

The crap remixes totally killed it.

This was one of the selling arguments when they offered me amway bar soaps 20 years ago. Nothing new here.

It's the perspective.

It's just their barcoded serial number.

The problem is that you christians don't leave us alone. You interfere with education, politics, law, and this affects everyone, not only your group. I'm not against you believing in anything, I just don't want you spreading lies and false goodness concepts to my children. Just that.

Why would I want a tool that uses fiction as reference? Is this a toy?

Mickey Mouse doesn't have 5 fingers.

The problem here is that any idiot can have a driver license. The whole habilitation process is a great joke. Even the doctors who exam candidates, are in vast majority corrupts that grab the money and sign a paper with results of exams that haven't been done. The most important test, the psychological one, isn't even

Here in Brazil the owner of the iPad trademark (a real product and the trademark was issued many years ago) lost in court the rights of the iPad name to Apple. He was stolen, in fact.

Hot corners and dual/triple screens don't seem to mix very well. Show desktop on Win7 is unusable if you have your secondary screen on the right. Of course you can make the right screen misaligned in relation to the main, to trap the pointer, but it brings other problems.

Jesus must have complained.

I have TrueCrypt encryption and VERY DEEP integration with Skype, Google Talk, and various other protocols. I own an Nokia N900.

I do it all the time on my cellphone. Also it runs apache + php + mysql very well. Have you heard of the Nokia N900?