
Really dude?

Fucking horrible....

Thanks for an article on this case that balances things out somewhat.


You’re out of your mind with an arrogant comment like this. A person getting attacked with a deadly weapon has a right to defend themselves with lethal force. I can’t believe that’s even a debate.


What’s really interesting is the people that jump right away to say, one is attacking the police, or the people that jump on the other side. It’s a question where understanding and empathy has to trump, no pun intended, has to trump any quick reactions of an ideological or demagogical nature.

The peaceful protesters are cool. Bad cops should be caught, charged, tried and sentenced.

I don’t agree, but alright.

You are astonishingly ignorant if you think comments like that will bring about any kind of meaningful change. All you’ve done is divide you and I even more. You’ve made me less sympathetic to your cause with your comment. Good job.

You’re coming off like quite the racist with that last rant of yours, obsessively trying to guess my race based on my replies, and then painting such a broad stroke in regards to Latinos and Asians. You may be fooling yourself, but you don’t fool me. Enjoy the rest of your life as a troll.

I suggest you do the same. For someone who pretends to be the good guy, you’re a massive asshole.

Way to call me names like a child. I’m sure that made you feel superior for a brief moment to post that. You’re out of your mind.

To be fair, I do often wonder how BLM will be viewed through the lens of history.

That’s quite the leap.

Fair points, I agree that many people would just be trolling you at this point. Considering how much time I’ve spent replying to others on this thread, I feel you on that one.

For the record, I think Zimmerman is a massive dickhead who should be in jail.

OK, I’ll read up on that kind of stuff, thanks. But hopefully in the future, you should recognize when a person who disagrees with you is actually listening to you and respecting what you say (which I am), and then in turn, treating them with a little bit of respect as well.

I’m not white.

OK, but what you’re arguing is difficult to prove because then you’re disagreeing with the United States Justice Department, which is perfectly fine to do, as long as you have evidence.