Why anyone would think that a country which kept voting for someone like Berlusconi (Cosa Nostra, old continent version of Trump) is a place where women are treated with respect and people are sensible is beyond me.
Why anyone would think that a country which kept voting for someone like Berlusconi (Cosa Nostra, old continent version of Trump) is a place where women are treated with respect and people are sensible is beyond me.
As someone who lives in a country full of yellow people i can confirm white people are the worst. Stop sending us your white people.
Its probably cause he finally will not have to play in those ridiculous Star Wars movies ever again.
So it’s like the American “Patriot” version of the 1933 Book burning
But in Soviet States of America; Bear pokes YOU.
Obviously you are too late for that.
Morning shitty run
Warm autumn wind gently blows
Lady jogger pooped
um hello? thats the UK. Nobody has guns. Everyone is a LOT more chill and reasonable than you nutcases Americans. These people are highlighting that since it’s the UK everyone is going to walk out just fine, no shooting. no violence.
Whitewashing White supremacists washing white Supremacists
And this is why liberals lose.
looks like a “before and after” photo....
Taking the high road gets you nothing except being trampled upon.
Curious, what kind of adnetwork error would produce a quantity of I.P adresses “which were actively sending malicious traffic” hmm?
We need to call in Judge Judy Jedi to decide.
I would totally play a game of Ecco swimming gleefully among the doomed drowning souls of sinking ships...
As a regular traveler to the USA, both for business and for pleasure I can tell you that i’ve stopped going there since this debacle.
“I’m not a lady, I’m a witch.”
This article is spun so hard it flew into orbit.
This is my view as well. How long before people start actively hunting down these fuckers? Lists need to be made.