
Actually, this is David Bowie’s life force spreading back out into the universe.

The first time I saw TFA, I was confused by this scene. It seemed very ‘out of the blue’ and unnecessary. But later, I realized that this sets the stage for why Finn can handle a lightsaber at all. Melee training is part of standard Stormtrooper indoctrination.

As a kid, I had almost all of the figures through the second run of RotJ figures. I also managed to land a few of the larger toys, like the X-wing and snowspeeder. Alas, we were always too poor for me to ever have gotten a Millenium Falcon or a AT-AT. My heart still burns with jealousy for some of my neighborhood

I would seriously question the moral fiber and soul of any woman I caught wearing this.

This made me weep and I’m just (considered) a typical white guy. If this doesn’t strike a chord in you, you either aren’t paying attention or you’ve lost some of your humanity.


Thank you for playing, but that is incorrect. I’ve used AM in the past. I’m openly non-monogamous. The person I met there was also non-monogamous but only open with their spouse. They wanted to keep things discreet.

Speaking as a non-monogamous person, it’s breathtaking the number of grand assumptions you made in just one sentence.

This guy.

Not even vaguely lifelike. Bottom of a well deeply buried in Uncanny Valley.

I don’t know if it’s classified as horror, but I had to turn off Irreversible after the fire extinguisher scene. I can handle A LOT of gore, but that movie made me more than ill. It made me feel *bad*. Couldn’t get through the rest of the movie.

Meh - Everyone is complaining and ragging. I thought MoS was decent and I loved Watchmen. I’ll go see this and judge it on its merits. Probably won’t be as bad as Green Lantern.

How is this legal, but sexwork is not?

Tonight I will have a dream. In it, Kurt Russel will show up and kick the living shit out of my dick bag father and say to me “Hey, I know you’re a little old to have a father figure, but I’ve got some extra awesomeness I’m willing to share.”

Hopefully, we can now get on with the process of removing the concept of marriage from our legal system entirely. For everyone.

The Great Brain! By Fitzgerald.

Just finished the rough draft of Passage, a future-noir novel. It’s also my first ‘sequel’, as it’s a follow-up to another of my books, Transit. I’m really proud of my female protagonist.

My heartfelt suggestion. Before starting the video, cut the sound. Then boot up “Jesus Built My Hotrod” by Ministry. Watch the video with Ministry blasting and you’ll have a religious experience.


The Road.