Connie Crab Ass

I’m sitting at your table.

Yeah the reason it seems like Beyonce has been pregnant for a couple of years is because we get daily updates/pics. Amal clearly prefers a quieter more private life experience.

I thought it was actually kinda of cute/funny.

Me too. And I could have downloaded/illegally streamed it.

Your colleague is an ass. Walking Dead is depressing. Is Game of Thrones a laughfest? Deadwood? These are shows that have a large male following and no guy would ever say that about them.

ivanka is about as authentic as her chin implant. a fake-titted cunt.

I have no money to even consider that but I’d like to ask - move to where? Europe is not in great shape either and you’d need to have euro citizenship. Canada? Legal immigration there is hard. Same with Australia.

You had me Amber. You had me...then you lost me. Elon Musk = NO

Yeah, NY really didn’t tho. What they passed is very restrictive with loads of loopholes. Cuomo is another example of a phony “liberal” and he’s just getting press for shit he thinks will make him look good for a completely misguided pres run in 2020.

Hillary is also an example of your two points.

Also, Nicole and Tom possibly had a relationship that might have actually been somewhat genuine and Katie and Tom had a relationship that was a contracted work-like relationship.

Are you talking about Maria “money honey” Bartiromo? Cause she ain’t a journalist.

This is what it looks like when morons talk to each other

What the fuck is she wearing in that photo? Sorry, ladies I know I’m old but that dress has a pattern that circles her tits in sequins and an effing cut-out between them. Is she at a cock tail party or being interviewed as a “professional?” Bitch drank the effing fox kool-aid and now she’s bringing it mainstream.


If we think it’s bad now imagine how it will be after 8 years of trump.

Poorly cast and acted?!! Screw you - I was in one of those.

Now that’s a ticket I’d like to vote for

The old hamburger meat thing was a reference to what his junk looked like.

White American former actor here but I feel like I see more black actors in leading roles on brit tv than you do here.