
@Killer Toilet: You do not know what you are saying, sir! With such riches you could purchase many donkey, or perhaps a com-pu-ter. Naturally we could increase the sum but compensation would be needed...

@Killer Toilet: My Nigerian treasury would be glad to send you over $1000 U.S. dollars in funds. All we will need in order to give you our gracious donation is your social security number, bank numbers, and all other bank account information.

@Jouen: But we will need men to repair and refuel those robots!

@darkmagic47: How can we survive without his brilliant leadership? Next up censorship!!! Those gamers aren't mature enough to make choices, Peter should make them for us!


@cfive3: Guns+Beards=Badass

Mega Bloks: Lego's disgruntled twice removed midget cousin

Now the top shot looks nice, I must admit... possibly even Original Xbox nice... but then the bottom shot *shudders* I try not to look at how they have floating feet

@Cerabret100: Rome: Total War is one of my favorite games of all time, the mods add re playability to an already enormous game and at this point almost any computer can run it. Go buy it and than install Europa Barbarorum

innovative and madden should not be used in the same sentence.

@BrettKS: Staple's sale for $99, it seemed like a brilliant price for an all glass desk...

Exact same desk I have! it seemes many lifehackers have this desk.... most interesting...

@Nintendo451: Better have him everywhere than *shudder* force developers (who writes the script? screenwriter maybe?) write new characters that are not mirrors of Nathan Drake.

@Phaper: Having a lazy eye and being unable to see 3D really bugs me , therefore I hope 3D never makes it to the wonderful world of gaming for it would result in me having to wear silly glasses just to see the game clearly in non 3Dness... Also when you look anywhere other than the action you sick, that might be