
Oberon is a good beer, but yeah it's cult following has outgrown it's quality. Plus they changed the formula up a little bit for distribution purposes when it got regional sales. It is still a very good beer though, and definitely great on a hot summer day. I'm guessing this author won't like it though, and will say

As he said it is not about hate. It's more about being over rated, and I think you kind of proved his point. People outside of the PA east coast distribution area always hear people raving about how great it is. Then when you actually have it you realize it is very similar to other cheaply made, mass produced beer. I

I was going to say the same thing. He may have said it like an idiot, but he's not wrong, she does suck, and what happened to Pam Oliver was crap.

I think it's definitely part of an agenda. I wouldn't call them liars, because anyone can say they went to bed hungry, and have it be truthful, because hunger is an subjective feeling. I'm sure the amount of food satisfying a 160 lb DB and a 300 lb lineman differs, but does that mean they both cannot get proper

I like the Wiz going into next season a lot actually, their coach is awful, but I wouldn't be too sure that they wouldn't make the playoffs in the west. Wall, and Beal are legit and only getting better, and Gortat is money down-low. Plus they just added Paul Pierce who admittedly is old, but will bring a good veteran

As a dudebro, (granted I'm 24 so maybe getting on the higher age side for these movies). I would like to say these movies aren't really catering to me either, I like explosions and boobs as much as the next guy, but I seriously haven't been to the theater in like a year, and I don't know anyone around my age who goes

In the earlier rounds (There is 4 in total at least on the Japanese version, not 100% sure about American) more people can complete the course, and the time is used as like a tiebreaker type thing (I think only 10 or 15 people can make it to round 2). But once you get into round 3 and 4 no one really tries to go too

It was the smartest thing to do in the situation though. You dont flee the scene of a car accident, and you don't engage the clearly aggressive road rager. Sit in your safe car with the doors locked, and if he damages your vehicle with his "imma beat your ass, but instead I'm just going to hit your car." then he is

sounds like you understood the article. I'm pretty sure inside jokes about regional white women was the whole point.

This is awesome. That is all.

I agree that the NBA is a niche sport, but I'm pretty sure basketball is either the top played, or second top played game in America. Also every small town in the Midwest (at least) packs their high school teams gym almost every Friday during the winter. I think hockey is much more niche than basketball. I just think

Agreed I have never seen an atmosphere like that for an NBA game. I wasn't there but you could see & hear it through the broadcast. Looked like a lot of fun up there.

yes they do. The "college athletes are starving" narrative is a lie. My sister pole vaulted at U of M, and got free brand new nike/adidas (they switched halfway through her college career) apparel almost weekly, got an unlimited meal plan, and got a 500 dollar living expenses stipend like every week or so, and she

Star x1,000,000

he doesn't need to steal. Just like Shabazz isn't really going to bed hungry. Their "college athletes are starving" narrative is a lie.

do you really believe they don't have food to eat at a D-1 state school known for its football program? Your delusional if you think he stole this out of necessity.

FSU has 41,000 undergrads. Their dining halls are not closing at 1pm, so your comment is irrelevant.

I'm curious Tom, with your death to the NCAA down there (not that I'm pro-NCAA or anything) if you really believe that the FSU football team is starving on one meal per day. because I find it very hard to believe. My sister pole vaulted at U of M and she got free apparel on free apparel, an unlimited meal plan, plus

That's My Boy was surprisingly not bad, it was incredibly dumb, but it also had some parts that were pretty funny. Sandler always has been really really dumb comedy for better or worse, I think a lot of his fans outgrew his sense of humor, and I think that a lot of teenagers still find him funny.