
That is what 100% ruined it, letting the masses in, aside from changing the vibe (first year I remember a multi-hour line waiting for the free totebag at the front) it made it a massive bitch for those of us who had meetings to get to.

GDC is mostly for developers trading cool things they did, and yeah there’s some professional networking that happens there

It was still very relevant as a way for industry professionals to meet, collaborate, make deals, network etc etc.

Social media has given every narcissistic moron with access to a computer or a phone a megaphone, and we’re all dumber and worse off for it.

Here’s the thing: there is a 0% chance he’ll get any money from Rockstar, as the tattoos aren’t the same, so there goes any possible copyright claims, and it’s obviously a work of parody.

Vaping: a guide on how to make smoking look even more stupid and lame.

My pearls!

Even people that vape know vaping isn’t cool

Countercounterpoint. Yes.

My question is why do people still watch awards shows? There’s absolutely nothing of note that couldn’t be read post presentation that warrants wasting several hours of my evening seeing this live (I suspect that’s why they started giving away Decks, as a cheap ploy to attract viewers). I haven’t watched the VGAs in

“ALL THEY WANT TO DO IS SHOW YOU ADS” this site says as I have to fight through ads to read the site 

If TGA was purely an awards show, how many people would actually watch it?

I’m glad they didn't overthink this. This is PRECISELY the thing a Jurassic Park game should be, first movie locales and time setting included.

At the end of the day content creators just don’t give a fuck, one purchase is nothing compared to the clicks they’ll get for showing them play what, as you said, anyone with a functioning brain already knew was a nothing-burger of a scam of a “game”.

In the wake of the ongoing genocide of Palestinians ...

Just like the movies then, sounds like they nailed it.

lol, way of water was embarrassingly bad. some blue kid dies at the end and I couldn’t even figure out which brother it was, it’s all the same bland writing and performances. 

I mean, both movies were visually stunning with zero plot or depth, so I guess this is pretty faithful?

Of course it’s empty. It’s based on the Avatar IP, so it’s going to be marketed and over-commercialized to hell and back.

random comments is an “article”.  this is like self-checkout, the customer doing the companys job.