
But that’s just another form of prejudice as well, I mean how many white men vs other races are applying for these positions? how many women vs male? what are their credentials, schooling , experience level? Who’s doing the meta data on this? that will tell you what’s actually happening and what direction to take.

Keeping the masses divided benefits ALL of the power-hungry industries and institutions.

Gamergate was an organic spark that was studied and then accelerated as an experiment by Russian and Chinese intelligence as the first clear method to create significant social schism in the West, in a demographic that was resistive to talking heads and more traditional and subtle propaganda, more or less

Identity politics: the clamoring of affluent, upper-middle class types for greater access to board rooms, positions, privileges, etc., on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, etc. That is what the author’s reference to “representation” means in this context.

The reality is that exploration is really the only selling point for Bethesda’s games. Their writing is bad, the quest design is bad, gameplay mechanics are dated, and the characters usually aren’t very interesting.

you obviously have never ran a business with employees. It is so funny to hear socialists claim to know everything about economics.

Starfield was not ghosted, it wasn't deserving. 

That’s part of the issue. The other issue is that there’s just nothing interesting to find. BGS made a handful of unique POIs, then copied and pasted them across thousands of planets. Once you realize this, the appeal of exploration goes out the window because you know you’re just going to “discover” things you’ve

That’s because Starfield is the definition of mediocre, and for the budget and time spent pathetically empty.

Why should it get nods at the VGAs? Indie titles are more engaging. It’s supposed to be recognized why, exactly? A gigantic balloon budget and a celebrity game director? 

Look, I don’t want to be annoying about it, but RE4 has no business being up for game of the year. It’s a fantastic facelife, but it isn’t a new game. The same goes for Deadspace (which, FWIW, I think was always a more interesting action horror game than RE4), and I’m glad that one didn’t get nominated.

Fuck Activision. CoD is a game series whose playerbase is full of chuds anyway, maybe time to retire the IP and let the devs work on something else. Time to clean house, Microsoft.

Getting real sick and tired of seeing trailers for games that are still 6+ years out.

Do what Fallout 4 did: Say absolutely nothing, then tell me in June that it’s coming out in November.

Now Bloomberg reports that the game was rushed out in half the time of a normal Call of Duty sequel, with devs working nights and weekends to meet Activision’s annualized sales goals.”

God, this is going to be terrible.

Even better, his likeness is used in the game, so his perfect lips return under RoboCop’s visor.”

I’d say yes, with some tiny caveats.

>New Burnout game

I think because in the larger picture, the end goal for all of these large companies rushing to utilize AI is eventually eliminating as many jobs, salaries, and benefits as possible. Anyone who believes otherwise is being naïve.

Now playing

Watch this to catch up. Even if you had played them, a refresher is in order. I think the game is better if you catch some of the big references: 

100% endorse. Remedy doesn’t feel like they should exist, and the fact that they do and keep getting to make weirder and braver stuff makes me endlessly happy.