
@Woden501: I dunno, i got about a 8-10 frame boost on my tri-core 720BE

@MikeF**kingBison: what are you talking about dude, I was in a game with 7 other friends last night where the score was < 100 apart, 3289 to 3195. Don't be mad because you suck or have no friends to play with. I for one welcome our Valve overlords who constantly fix our game on the PC. Are you mad because you have the

No for real, when is the PC demo coming?

Oh god I loved RE2, I think its the only RE that I've gotten every thing you can in the game and beaten all the modes. I played it on a 13 inch tv using an RF converter

That link is not so correct

Is this coming to PC can you say?

BF1942 was so f'ing kickass, I'll play this. And for all of you "but battlefield comes out every year!" No. Fail. Battlefield is played on the PC, there's been 3 and a mod. 1 WW2, 1 Vietnam, 1 modern combat, and the 2142 mod that wasn't a full game. We PC gamers did not get Bad Company, I'd play it if it were on PC.

@CarnageAce: Gameplay might...I hope. Something has to make up for how ugly those graphics are. I'm all for gameplay over graphics but it looks like they tweaked the original PS1 Medal of Honor Engine a little and used it here

Sadly financial analysts don't think AMD will survive the year. I hope they do, but they are getting thrashed pretty hard. Without a push in the consumer and server market they are going to have one hell of an uphill battle. ATI was a bad acquisition in that it isn't currently paying off but they are getting closer

I saw the trailer for this when I went to see Curious Case of Benjamin Button (fantastic movie) and it creeped me the f' out

I thought the first 4 hours were great save for the fact that they are beating us over the head with the torture thing. We get it, torture gets you information and at the same time its a moral gray area. Thanks for mentioning that every 5 minutes. Other than that it was good, it seems like they put a lot more thought

my buddy's dad ran a T1 out of his basement as a small local ISP and the game we played all the time down there, Tribes. God it was awesome, I miss the days when FPS's online (not counting Quake 2 which I played numerous hours of online) had that new paint smell

Feb 27 is my bday, awesome gift, Killzone 2 :-)

Been to Churchill Downs many times Kotakuians. Also, its Liberty Mutual suing Nintendo, not the person in Kentucky.

The game is great once you get past the slow beginning. The mechanic of drive, get shot at, get to mission gets a little old but the vistas are so pretty it generally doesn't matter. The weapons are awesome to play with too.

I would recommend right now installing firefox 3.1 beta 1 or hitting the trunk and picking up the nightly build (called minefield). Its got a lot of improvements. Beta 2 will be released soon and it will be much more stable and sexy, promise :-).

@ConfuciusMax: Disclaimer: this is completely a joke please don't hurt me *puts on ww2 helmet and ducks*

I don't wish I lived in Japan I hear everything is small there!

I'm going to go ahead and say this was a poor idea to post X_X i don't even think my asbestos suit can take the heat!