
Good for you!

I can’t believe, after having gone to a parochial school, that I didn’t know that Evangelicals believe that part of the Rapture is the forced conversion of Jews to Christianity in Israel after the return of Jesus.

Ugh what if Revelations turned out to be a self fulfilling prophecy?

Being remarkably dumb is only a frog hair better than being actively evil.

Really, the only thing more on-brand would be for him to get signed by the Jets.

After reading for years about preachers and politicians being so vehemently against homosexuality that they have to try it out themselves, I have come to the conclusion that voting against gay rights is the first step for a conservative coming out of the closet.

Congressman, you’re no Dan Quayle!

Republicans used to believe that the Federal Government was at best incompetent and at worst a force for evil.

I agree. This goes nowhere in the Senate, but it is good for the House to keep focus on trying to help people. If we chip away at the idea that everyone with a pulse should own a gun, maybe we can one day pass common sense gun legislation.

Holy fuck!

I know this is Louisiana, but can we be a little less obvious about the grifting?

Hey now, politicians do NOT want to piss off the Louisiana League of Deceased Voters!

Yeah, my family owns a store a little south of Winnipesaukee, and the number of red hats I see on a regular basis is disturbing. I am willing to bet that a few of my customers went down to that rally after running out to Franklin for oxy and meth.

Being partially Italian on my mother’s side, usually the go-to for Italians are Dago, Guinea and WOP.

This is not a legitimate add. You have stumbled upon a coded message from a foreign spy ring.

I really hate how this meter never seems to move.

Yes, we should obviously blame the Clintons, who have not held any position in government since 2013, and not the Justice Department (who run the federal prison system), run by Attorney General William Barr, whose father, a long-time personal friend of Jeffrey Epstein, gave him his first teaching position at the high

Came to the comments for this one.

Only Epstein could challenge evidence seized in the search warrant. So, if there was evidence of other perpetrators, that’s now in play and can’t be challenged by them.