Respectfully, I have been reading about this impending “big reveal” for three years plus now. The smoking gun that will turn the tide of American sentiment is always tantalizingly just around the corner.
Respectfully, I have been reading about this impending “big reveal” for three years plus now. The smoking gun that will turn the tide of American sentiment is always tantalizingly just around the corner.
Oddly enough, I kind of feel encouraged by this particular tweet-storm.
Apparently, they were formed as a part of the Department of the Treasury in 1790, which I guess makes sense, since the majority of smuggling was about tax evasion back then.
Yeah, I keep forgetting that they were swallowed by DHS, so their funding is different, even though they are still considered a “military branch.” That is far more complicated than it needs to be.
Man, I liked the Focus RS.
The man currently holding the title of “President of the United States” has no idea how government works on any level.
I am sure that Nicholas Sandmann and his family must be very disappointed, but I am sure that they can take solace in the knowledge that with this administration Nicholas is very likely to be just a few months away from being the next Acting Secretary of State.
Trump called Cummings, who has been outspoken in criticizing the administration’s horrific treatment of asylum-seekers and other migrants at the border, a “brutal bully.”
On the bright side, Trump just gave us a way to pay for Medicare for All, school loan forgiveness, reparations, and end hunger.
So, the Coast Guard is getting fucked?
Assuming he uses all 2.5 billion, maybe 100 miles of wall, depending on which estimate you use.
Generally, we are a pretty socially liberal state bordering on libertarian. We were one of the first states to legalize marriage equality before the Supreme Court ruling made it nation wide. If it doesn’t raise our taxes, we don’t give a shit about how you want to live your life.
The header image already had me wondering just how much meth this asshat does a day.
You are a professional automotive writer/blogger, and you have written about the repair experience of the postal Jeep in several articles. I assume that Jalopnik did not chip in for the cost of parts. Doesn’t this make these expenses tax deductible?
Werner Horn serves in New Hampshire’s House of Representatives for a district that includes the 99.5 percent white town of Hill, N.H., and his 95.9 percent white hometown of Franklin, N.H.
Mueller was not an investigator. His official title was “Special Counsel.” He indicted over a dozen individuals as part of that office, but was forbidden by Justice Department policy from indicting a sitting president.
If that’s true, why doesn’t he say so?
Isn’t that...what I said?