
... and take your star!

I hadn’t thought about that.

Everyone, the comment above is

Some U.S. soldiers absolutely took part in war crimes in Vietnam, as they were ordered to do by some of their commanding officers. The My Lai massacre was not a one time thing.

And “thinking!” Don’t forget the “thinking!” They do both, and are willing to tell you so every, oh... about 3 or 4 weeks nowadays.

Figuring out how to keep people from joining the military should be of greater importance.

An outside lawyer for the NRA told NPR that the organization would “fully cooperate with any inquiry into its finances.”

I wonder how much convincing it would take for him to start a rally by calling for a ban on unicorn teleportation?

People in power because of fear of an “other” have no reason to make peace with that other or find a lasting solution. Trump and Netanyahu need the specter of impending doom to rile up their bases. The most frightening part for me is that people keep falling for it.

It looks like she was there to pray for her mother, who passed a few months ago, and stepped between the gunman and the rabbi to protect him.

Yeah, the history of Europe is pretty much chock full of pogroms and persecution. Antisemitism was an almost exclusively European thing for centuries, with thriving Jewish communities in the east, mostly post diaspora, even in Iran and Afghanistan. The twentieth century wiped out most of the eastern populations of

At least no one has yet been reported to be killed. I hope that everyone hurt recovers. You would hope that a place of worship would be a safe space, but they are now the soft target du jour for terrorists. Fuck.

I was at my friend’s law school graduation from University of Richmond, back around ‘99-’00. On our way back to the parking lot, I noticed that Oliver North was walking in a group a little ways behind us. I asked my friend why we were being followed by a key figure in Iran-Contra and he told me that Lt. Col. North

In my defense, I had no idea that it was him that I had hit until he got up off of the pavement.

Mr. President,

LaPierre claims that North called a senior staffer to demand that LaPierre resign or damaging information would be sent to the board to discredit the longtime NRA leader.

See, what you need to do to feel lit inside is to write a song about a small Japanese grill.

You leave Tandy Latrine alone!

There is a market for coal, just not a big domestic market. Any gains coal has made in the last couple of years has been because of foreign demand.