Oh, absolutely! This kid should be praised for his courage in fighting political idiocy in a language that they understand!
Oh, absolutely! This kid should be praised for his courage in fighting political idiocy in a language that they understand!
I am glad that this child had the courage to stand up to him. I have no idea how this man doesn’t get it. It is farcical.
But... but he heard about it on Fox News! It must be TRUE!
I don’t know. I kind of think living out the rest of his long life in fear that around any corner, any time day or night, someone... somewhere... has an EGG WITH HIS NAME ON IT!
No, you are not saying that there is violence on both sides. You are saying murder and protest are the same. They are not.
OK. Let’s assume that half of the right wing killings from 2018 are bullshit. The score still comes out at least 25 killings to zero. Happy? That is so much better.
But if he becomes the eggman, won’t he also be the walrus?
Those stats are bullshit.
“Not killing” vs. “killing.” Which is more violent, you obtuse asshat?
This man should be met with eggs everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.
It’s a miracle that they haven’t killed anyone yet.
“I explicitly denounced violence. I said that we on the Right are constantly disavowing racists. I pointed out the inconvenient fact that it is Leftists committing the majority of political violence.
Simpsons did it!
I would personally like to advocate for encouraging him to think that he can fly. Let’s all meet him on the roof of Trump Tower to discuss the details.
There is no way that is a real name. You totally made this up!