
It’s super gross and pretty shameful ethically that you’d lump LCK in with these shitbags based on some anon Tumblr bitching over comedy routines. Seriously, wtf were you thinking with that? ESPECIALLY if “your mileage may vary?” Sounds like you aren’t too sure of it yourself Nick!

So your editorial ethics are determined by some random Tumblr run by anons, then?

Don’t you think it’s irresponsible to include Louis CK in the lead image?

Probably nothing. He was (incorrectly, it appears) looked at as the subject of a blind item, but the accuser in question has specifically said it wasn’t him. There was another (also blind) second rumor tied to him on the strength of the first, but since the first turned out not to be him, there’s nothing to tie the

Genuinely curious as to their justification as well. From the outside looking in, it appears that they’re trying really hard to destroy a man’s career based on a rumor that’s been repeatedly discredited and denied by all parties the alleged sexual misconduct was supposed to have involved. It also appears that over

Hey Nick,

I agree... why include CK in the picture header and not reference him in the article if he is “problematic”? The first two were referenced by name, CK — no mention at all... That feels more “problematic” than anything else.

*edited for punctuation

Has there been any responses to the Jezebel (or was it Splinternews) call for people to come forward about Louis CK? If not, there’s no proof. Why does the site keep condemning by association then? What’s your editorial justification?

“Wow this is a bad take, I bet this guy is trash.”
*scrolls down*
“Oh, yup.”

Has anyone asked the indigenous people of Hegemone how they feel about being “discovered”?

She’s the most talented, whipsmart, fearless sports presenter to come along since who knows when.
The first time I saw her on TV, I actually called people to tell them to turn on the show.
Even if they don’t have any actual ideas they could just reboot Garbage Time on a channel that people are watching.
Katie’s like a

I prefer Gore-Tex.

I prefer Gore-Tex.

Why do they call them matches instead of scripted gymnastics exhibitions?

And Ron Swanson.


If anything the Bills should have been penalized five yards for being too slow.

It’s very hard to fap to.

Sounds like your kids are going to have some pretty bad sunburns.

So race targeting by police is worldwide?

On a barely related note, Trump as Queen Elizabeth is my favorite thing