Yeah I agree
Yeah I agree
She complied to turn off her phone, and she was apologetic, I think you are just sick and really enjoyed seeing a teen get beaten up
THIS, yeah porn makes people a bit dim on how sex works, but also regular movies they portray sex as glamorous perfect etc
yep that’s a good one
That it was going to take years of practice for it to be really good, that’s often awkward and ungraceful but thats ok if it gets you off
I have found it worth, I’m one of those persons that can have great minds blowing sex in the first date, but I know what gets me off and I ask for it, I’m not above offering instructions to my casual partner.
I have a great score in casual sex, I almost always get off and when not is always fun non the less. Although this has taken me years of practice and be very vocal when asking what I want.
Because historically humanism, has considered humans to be male exclusively, is charged of a bunch off connotations to minimize the struggle of women and queer, and denies the existence of sexism.
check them here
Chinos, ok so no related to Asian, Mexico was divided in different degrees of mixture, the child of a native Mexican and an African or mulatto would have been called a chino in colonized america, so this people had curly hair then chino lost his connotation of mixed raze and it was just used to designate the hair…
I have a rule, if the guy I’m dating would chose his mom over me, he can keep his mom it’s just not worth. So now I know a Chinese judge or lawyer is out of the question to date at ALL
Sorry but, leader of big patriarchal religion not being a shi*head? it has never been seen
Yep, came to say exactly this! so tnxs
As the injured part noted, at least I was keeping on with the perceived agenda of the collective...
Well yours sounds like an amazing experience, for MAC standard that is I have been seeing videos on YT about MAc employes, telling Asians they don’t serve Asians, Making black young teens cry and pushing them aside and calling them the N word in front of their moms (the mom was white that’s why they pushed the girl…
Torn foreskin... that wasn’t pretty but we kept our calm there was blood everywhere. and I had texted my feminist collective earlier stating that I would be arriving late to our meeting because I was hum... entering the bone zone. Fair to say that I didn’t make it to the meeting and my message to warn them was like…
What about an article about the horro stories for customer service in MAC stores, I didn’t know that was a thing
UGH!!! This, I have had a few LinkedIn encounters and I usually public shame them, but they don’t get why I find it offensive, and I have seen all the versions from the “polite” to the full I will rape you, I usually report them and publish their profile photo on my LinkedIn.
Men explain things to me My I offer a book that I just read?
Spoilers & conspiracy theories be warned—————-
You mean, Aegon and Arya right? or John and Arya? Danny is incapable of mothering more children and the Heir would be his nephew so it doesn't make sense to marry her to John if an heir is impossible.
In the other hand there are no other female dragon to marry to one in…