
Ion drives aren't under-researched, really! They are common, repeat *common* for comm satellites. The Dawn mission to Vesta has been using them for years. SMH

Yeah, except that they're totally different. I'm trying to see how they might be the same ... is the low thrust what you're referring to? Ion thrusters are getting to be pretty commonplace in the satellite business. They also make new kinds of interplanetary missions possible. Solar sails are only an interesting

How to make shampoo:

No kidding, is she 17 or something?

Something is up, that's for certain. Well, maybe not, as the PR they do every year is the "BIGGEST SURPRISE EVER" sort. But Romana would be a great idea.

Silly author. Ceres is 950 km in diameter, Vesta is 530 km.

It looks like this doesn't happen in Chicago, then. Trust me, it happens down the road in KS.

We learned it from the Irish.

Anyone who lives within 100 yards of a TV set in December knows about Ebenezer Scrooge.

In what way is a guy selling a book a "reputable astronomer"? I can't even tell if he finished college, or what he studied.

I'm late to the party, but ... Don Yeomans is not answering any of these questions because they're all crap. What you're seeing is a person who actually understands what is going on, not some anonymous guy on the Internet who went off his meds. You might try actually paying attention to what he says. You use 'skeptic'

Dude, you can buy frozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at the grocery store,

I save mine for a month, then burn them all at once with lighter fluid. Problem solved!

I thought it was because her words and her image weren't synched up. That always throws me.

So the appropriate response to military regimes is to wait until it's economically desirable for someone else to put pressure on the government? Bashar al-Assad and Kim Jong Un are in violent agreement with you.

Are you actually calling a military take-over of the government "paranoia"? You do read the news occasionally, right? I also assume you've heard the term "coup".

I lived through those times, too, and in the town right next to Manhattan Beach. And I fell for it. But the evidence here is FAR more damning. I mean, pictures? Semen on spoons in the trash? That's not at the recovered memory level.

You're not a character in one of Neal Stephenson's novels, are you? Because you should be.

Hey cool, I'm a sharecropper too! And an MD who never went to high school.

Well, not that I agree with Moose, but ... everything that comes out of Hollywood?