
Sorry, I think it's pretty damn "cool", if that's your standard of science. New science is not without consequences. Google Robert Oppenheimer if you disagree. I'm completely pro-science, but the "nature of science" argument is so absolutist that it looks more like faith than reason.

Putting aside the religious differences between planets and dwarf planets, the rest of the post was pretty informative.

I'm with you. I *know* how bad GGROBR is; I have only your word about Christmas Shoes.

I'll rub it in a little more: I still haven't heard it. EVAR. I had the chance to not listen to it again yesterday.

Nor have I. I started to listen but stopped myself before permanent damage. Since I already detested the other, no loss.

Fail. Google "Übermensch".

You know, I just watched this clip (after apparently erasing my memory of the movie). And I love it! Probably worse if I turn the sound up, though.

Then you probably also forgot about Jeremy Irons in "Eragon" .

I saw the first few minutes of this recently, and "Harvey Two-Face" still has the power to induce physical pain.

Thanks for posting this, it saved the world an early-morning caffeine-fueled rant.

I don't think anyone actually *watches* it; the pictures just get posted.

What it does sound like is a steaming pile. It would be far better if they just ditched any connection to the Munsters and then made their trendy meta-series independently.

Argh! The speed of Voyager wrt the Sun has virtually nil to do with the technology involved. It's because of the gravity assists it got from the outer planets.

If I were drinking something, it would have certainly come out of my nose at that.

Sincere: There is certainly some of that; my whine was mostly directed at the simplistic nature of his comments. I'm sure Gilliam would talk about it for hours if asked. I'm not very familiar with "Paths to Glory" but it's certainly true for "Full Metal Jacket."

Two dollars used to be real money. I heard the entire federal budget in 1963 was only $19.95.

Definitely. Which is too bad, because I hate him too :)

Wow, absolutely spot-on. Comforting. Why didn't I think of that? And I'm having such a shitty day, I think I'll go watch "Saving Private Ryan" again.

I wanted one of these *so bad*.

Wait ... in COLOR? How can this be?