Captain Morgan the damn thing.
Captain Morgan the damn thing.
LaToya, you are not nearly as broken up about Bughead as Cameron and I were on Dial M For Maple. Woof. The heartbreak.
This afternoon, Alyssa Rosenberg announced in The Washington Post that she will no longer attend advance screenings…
There’s a reasonable explanation for all of this (you’ll kick yourself for not thinking about it). The mob is influencing these games. See everybody is betting on the Golden Knights to lose, so what they’re doing is paying the players under the table to win and then betting against the crowd. The perfect crime.
Oh come on, nobody believes you’ve got friends.
Teens are bad.
Truth. All of the men who have abused me were people I knew. Family, friends etc. These same men also don’t think they did anything wrong.
When it comes to talking about sexual assault, I’ve noticed that men (in some cases, I’ve heard some things from fellow women), hold onto this notion that rapists are strangers in baklavas and holding knives. But, when I mention that all of my rapists were men that I grew up with, they consider me to be the exception.
First, I want to say.. Sis, I’m so sorry that happened to you...These are numerous fucked up encounters and I’m glad at least one person albeit a white woman took you seriously and helped you.
He’s talking about the women’s team.
Damn dude, I wish you felt this strong about exercising your right to vote.
There’s some internet rule that goes along the lines of “If you think it, it exists on the internet.” Maybe I’m…
And what about the district manager who was the catalyst to this fuckery? Where’s her spot on the unemployment line?
As if I needed another reason to have this track on constant replay.
Well I know that we Canadians do, as one of our ships is on its way now!
Jason, I can’t tell what book that is. You have it cleverly concealed so I’m finding it difficult to read the title. Which one is that exactly?
I guess Trump really is a job creator.
There is nothing more elite than pretending to not be elite. Revelling in your eliteness is for strivers.
Counterpoint: Fat shaming DID make me lose weight, by helping give me a spectacular eating disorder! Yay!