
So even the planes don’t want to go to Florida?

I’d like to add an option 4: set balance of performance once. At the beginning of the season. Use it to ensure that the cars have similar power to weight ratios and power distribution. If my team is better at setting up suspension/chassis/aero or has better drivers than another team, we’ve created an advantage, but it

Pretty sure that’s a Bugatti, dude.

Now playing

That's why Lamborghinis are more expensive.

A true colt classic, and worthy endeavor undertaken by the Mitsubishi company. It’s profitability may have been a mirage, but it will surely eclipse whatever the tri-diamante brand offers in its next gallant effort.

I think we should be more worried about this 4th swimmer who is attempting to swim all the way home

I hate buses more than anything else in the world

I’m going to be flamed for this, but I don’t care. There can never be too much speed, I’m 62 and have been playing with cars in places called Lime Rock, Bryar, Thompson, Bridgehampton, Watkins Glen, Monticello, and more since I was 18. The problem we have is people who have no idea what they are doing being able to

Have to enjoy it while we can before the hybrid eco friendly crusade kills the majority of speedy cars

That’s what HOAs are for. If you can’t stand the sight of a well-kept, expensive trailer in someone’s driveway, you should make your largest investment in a neighborhood where the HOAs motto is: “Absolutely no fun allowed, whatsoever!”

That's because Evs are overwhelmingly bought as a fashion statement. And volts aren't cool.

I’m gonna need a gif of how this works.


Y U NO BUY 2017 S90?

I’d agree with you if your assumption of ad execs is correct. One of the things you learn quickly in the industry is that there is no correlation between titles and competence. The manufacturer I currently do work for, I was once dictated to change their brand name to a non-brand font. When I cautioned against the

That’s a cop’s personal ride. The permit is displayed so he can park wherever the fuck he wants. I’d guess that this particular officer of the law has been racking up a shitload of overtime.

‘My 8 year old daughter proclaimed them “cool cars”’
‘test drive a 2017 Fusion Sport and a 2016 Taurus SHO’

Oh NYC, the city of dead hopes, faded dreams, and people that bitch about anything and everything.

Yes, because Texas totally voted for Obama and will totally vote for Hillary.

Actually, Obama still runs the nation, so...