
That's because Evs are overwhelmingly bought as a fashion statement. And volts aren't cool.

I’m gonna need a gif of how this works.


Y U NO BUY 2017 S90?

I’d agree with you if your assumption of ad execs is correct. One of the things you learn quickly in the industry is that there is no correlation between titles and competence. The manufacturer I currently do work for, I was once dictated to change their brand name to a non-brand font. When I cautioned against the

I’ve worked in the ad biz for 20+ years and have read much today about this campaign. I see this having three possible origins:

At least it's no longer congested.

That’s a cop’s personal ride. The permit is displayed so he can park wherever the fuck he wants. I’d guess that this particular officer of the law has been racking up a shitload of overtime.

‘My 8 year old daughter proclaimed them “cool cars”’
‘test drive a 2017 Fusion Sport and a 2016 Taurus SHO’

Oh NYC, the city of dead hopes, faded dreams, and people that bitch about anything and everything.

Yes, because Texas totally voted for Obama and will totally vote for Hillary.

Actually, Obama still runs the nation, so...

Really? Brazil, south Africa, Zimbabwe, Mexico, Russia, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, north Korea - all safer that USA?

Well, ive got a good story from a few weeks back.

They should offer us Prime subscribers jump seats so we can free-ship ourselves anywhere.

When biking on the road I always assume the automobile drivers are trying to kill me. This has kept me out of some hairy situations and defuses road rage since the asshole is doing what I was expecting anyway. Try it, it’s been working for me, for over fifty years.

Plastering their faces on a widebody would actually be some interesting marketing. It’d be fun to stick that on some UK routes just to rub things in.

You could say that festival was pretty.....