Hmm. I wear one every day as a delivery driver for a 1950s themed pizza restaurant...
Hmm. I wear one every day as a delivery driver for a 1950s themed pizza restaurant...
Oh, for sure. I rock BimmerFest at least once daily.
NOTHING from AutoZone except their batteries ever fit German cars. So annoying...
I always buy OE - M filters - Mann filters, specifically - because they avoid the “BMW roundel” tax, but yes, no eBay filters ever.
No, I have a 530i, with the standard birdcage alternator, thankfully. But thanks!
Yeah, unfortunately this is at least the third time the alternator has been serviced in just 125k miles. The OE alternator was replaced at some point with this remanufactured Bosch unit, which is being serviced by none other than yours truly. What happened to your own 540i?
Haha, my own e39 is awaiting a shipment of pulleys and belts as we speak, and the alternator bearings have given up their lease on life...
Dang these new turbos. This thing is faster than my e39 530i...
Gotcha. Looks like you had a car that was one of about 248 made for the US market! One of the more popular combos, but not incredibly common, either.
Haha, as long as you’re not adding miles like me!
I literally missed a turn this morning because I would rather signal and move safely than shove in! Let’s get that club going. Oh, and I’m sick of the left-lane sitters. Drives me mad.
Nice! You can find out how rare your car is with the spreadsheet here: E39 M5 Factory Statistics
Well, there are two types. The standard interior looked like this:
Ouch, that’s a bummer. Good will from BMW helping out with that?
Your English is just fine! I can read it, which is more than I can say for some people on the BMW forums... What’s gone bust that needs an engine-out service?
Dude, it’s so expensive. Don’t even get me started on the muffler bearings...
Also, the M6 GC is my favorite new BMW, which is kinda sad. Such a beautiful shape, though!
Which black interior; full/extended leather (leather dashboard panel w/ exposed stitching), or the standard weird ostrich-y leather?
The vast majority of BMW drivers just want the blau mit weiss badge to look good, and still look like complete tools. So sad...