
It really depends on who your teacher was and where they learned English from.

Here's a few things that have work for me:

If you bear a grudge against Lifehacker, you are free to leave.

That is not correct at all. The whole goal of the blackout was to raise awareness - that is, getting many people to find out about SOPA. It is then up to the individual to call their local representative, and voice their opinion.

They didn't about everything, that's what.

Would you still add Mayonnaise on top of the instructions on the box?

I think you're missing the point.

So, what have you done against SOPA?

Do it, it might be an extremely profitable investment.

I thought it was pretty awesome how the attendants got into it as well.

Not sure - If it really doesn't change how your device feels or looks, then you'd should be good.

I wasn't serious (teehee), but I'm curious to know the results! Keep me posted!

...said the users on the release of Windows 3.1, when DOS was tried and tested.

If it's truly your room's fault (having lots of dust and lint floating around), just do it in the bathroom.

Drain, then toast until moisture has vaporized.

Isn't this already mentioned in the article?

Lifting a person or any machinery would require much, MUCH more helium and much, MUCH larger balloons. It's just too difficult to lift objects with helium.

I don't see why not, as the USB is simply providing power to the device, while the device uses its Bluetooth to connect.

It may be the incorrect way, but it is the best way.

"The main wear patter to watch out for "