
Yes, the gaslighting. They are saying outright that the gaslighting is what has fucked them up, even more than the physical abuse. It’s so heartbreaking to read these statements but they are so important and I’m so glad the judge is allowing all of them.

I have nothing but respect and admiration for this judge. She is treating these women with the utmost respect while upholding her duty to the law and the defendant. She’s great.

This is why I don’t tell my siblings shit.

There’s zero percent chance her being black or female led to her removal. You don’t spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to train an astronaut, and then go “oops, she’s black, how did we miss that?”

it’s darkly gratifying watching conservative american catholics try to square their aggravation at a (relatively) more progressive Pope with their belief in infallibility

Those posters made me seethe. She might have known. I personally think it’s feasible she didn’t (too high up the food chain) but she wasn’t the abuser and it makes my blood boil when people will find a reason, any reason, to somehow blame women for men’s crimes.

Ryan “Chino” Atwood, Ben McKenzie. my O.C. game is still strong.

The “Who would you rather have a beer with?” voters infuriate me. That’s just code for “he/she doesn’t make me feel dumb.” I want my president to be brilliant, intellectually curious, and capable of engaging with difficult issues with nuance. I 100% want to feel dwarfed by my president’s intellect. I’ve never

For all the ranting and raving about Trump by the majority of the population (and rightfully so, he is insane), I am far less troubled by Trump than the ever disturbing persistent realization that Americans are the dumbest mother fuckers around for actually being so goddamn stupid that they elected this shit stain as

It’s Friday. Imagine it’s Monday morning and the whole place is empty.

I found my favorite quote from all of this was from the Author on CNN -

I think the most instructive view of this book is not as a clear, accurate depiction of what’s been going on inside this White House, but rather as a clear, accurate depiction of what staffers inside this White House are willing to say to each other and random reporters standing around in the corners.

I’m guessing a lot of these people all individually thought “I’ll be the one to get through to him” except you can’t reason with the egotistically deranged.

I’m guessing a lot of these people all individually thought “I’ll be the one to get through to him” except you can’t reason with the egotistically deranged.

The tone has changed since even that recently. I cannot put my finger on why.

Fine, “fewer” less memes then...

Hardcore fans still don’t get into arguments. They’re just baffled by how something that brings them so much joy can bring others to squawling tears for not playing out exactly as they’d imagined it.

I think you can ask questions calmly... hell, I’d have a few questions for Rian Johnson. But I wouldn’t try to grill him. I’d ask my couple questions, let him answer and leave it at that. I doubt I’d agree with everything, but I’d appreciate that he took the time to answer. I was mixed on the movie. Some good, some

“I like how it’s an affront to art to voice displeasure with what a director has done with a film, but it’s perfectly alright to boo a comedian, a musician, a mime.”

After having a day to mull it over I think my feelings have solidified somewhat. Plot-wise, it was simple, straightforward and not hugely interesting. There were certainly flaws (some of which I think may have been the fault of choices made in TFA that the film was saddled with).