
Yeah, I mean, wtf. I once sat next to a guy on a plane who was jerking off underneath his blanket. I asked the FA to move me because of what he was doing, but there was ‘no place to put me’ so I had to sit next to him for another 6 hours.

11. On a crowded 6 train. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew something was wrong. Especially when he started to sweat.

Many years ago before it would have even occurred to me to go to HR about it, I had a male coworker who loved to come up behind me and rub his erection on me. I would get very angry, and forcibly tell him to stop, but he seemed to find my anger amusing. One day he did it and I whipped around and punched him as hard as

So much yes! For the last three months I’ve been consciously taking up the correct amount of sidewalk space, shoulders squared. Only men have bumped me.

I love how he describes pressing his erection against women without their consent as “pursuing a relationship.” Who said chivalry was dead?

The reckoning has begun

Men like this seem to think that everyone is as enraptured with their dicks as they are.

People don’t believe me, but like 50% of why I left San Francisco was dudes doing shit like that on public transportation.

YESSS I’ve started to do this too. I call it “walking like a white man.” It makes me feel so powerful to just walk down the street like I belong there and sometimes men get SO CONFUSED when I don’t move out of the way first... but they don’t understand why they’re confused and it’s like watching a delicate electronic

I’ve been practicing this now for quite some time - Not moving out of the way for men when I’m walking, not scrunching myself up so that some guy can occupy more space. Additionally, I’ve been asserting myself such as telling this guy at work who called me “mama” that my name is Nicole and to please call me that. This

Not to mention the talented women who have been pushed out of their career due to shitty, harassive men.

My guess is that they don’t actually expect sex. They expect you to be flustered and embarrassed and submissive, so that they feel dominant and manly and in control.

Yep, this is only okay if you’re currently my boyfriend and we’re in the midst of getting hot and heavy. But a COWORKER? In the OFFICE (I presume)? WHAT THE FUCK??

Same. I am reclaiming my time AND reclaiming my space. Get the hell out of my way, dudes. Head up, shoulders back.

And always twirling, twirling, twirling towards justice!

Three women claim Halperin, while fully clothed, pressed his erection against their bodies without their consent.

Three women claim Halperin, while fully clothed, pressed his erection against their bodies without their consent.

At this point, wouldn’t it just be faster to make a list of the rich/powerful men that HAVEN’T been accused of assault, fondling, etc.?