
I bet all those super liberal feminist women were the ones voting for Trump. Look, it is a useful statistic, but it gets a little ridiculous how often it gets pulled out as a trump card. My over 95% white town in rural New England voted 88% for Clinton, and the rest was split between Trump and Gary whatisname.

I did have to scroll up twice to realize there was a play button there.

You know, you can both expect something illegal/unethical, and actually ask for punishment. Like if I walk alone in a high-crime area at night and get mugged, maybe it is not surprising, but that wouldn’t stop me from reporting it to the police.

I think our family picked up “zerbert” from the Cosby Show. I wish I didn’t remember that because now it is tainted...

My mom always kissed me on the lips. I started getting uncomfortable with it probably in high school. My toddler son tries to full-on make out with me. Grabs my face and plants one for several seconds. I generally go for the cheeks of both my kids, given that they are disgusting germ factories, but lip kissing doesn’t

Meh. Not sure it was worth it.

Great, just what we need. More POV characters.

I always get really paranoid walking into stores if I am wearing one of their items, and try to conspicuously pass by an employee right away. But given that I am a middle-aged white lady, I have never actually been hassled about it.

Speaking from personal experience, being well-educated doesn’t prevent one from having awkward mishaps.

Pretty much why I voted for Sanders and for Obama in the 2008 primary. I like Clinton, and was happy to vote for her in the general. She just was not going to win.

Yeah, that decision is going to come back and grab them in the ass.

Well, they are all being filmed in this big moment, so it was just an awkward “Do I put it on the ground, or take the photo holding the present or what?”

See, sometimes you really do learn things on the internet. I had no idea “zebra” was a thing.

I just showed this article to my emotional support grizzly bear and he destroyed my home office. I am currently hiding under my bed with my phone. Send help.

For real. Your English is excellent and better than at least 50% of native speakers. I never would have guessed it was not your first language.

I have been meaning to watch that for a few years, although I am afraid it would give me a rage stroke.

You have more than all the right in the world to out him. He deserves it. I wonder if there is someone you could talk to before hand who could give you advice on what to do (like temporarily blocking social media, etc.) if he has a lot of followers.

Definitely. Particularly because this culture of politeness and never making a scene is more associated with more-educated, wealthier white folks, who tend to be more liberal and “allies”. To give a gross generalization, a WASP is not going to get in a bar fight with a redneck. They will just sniff disapprovingly into

I always try to point this out to people, but they just say it was so long ago it doesn’t matter.