
This is the real problem. I believe Kelly in that whatever officer made the condolence call to him about his own son said something along the lines of “he knew what he signed up for and he died doing what he loved.” But that was military person speaking to military person, and probably said by someone with an iota of

I think women raping men is something that is currently not well reported or understood by either women or men. I do think there are some real differences - 1) women are much more physically afraid of men than vice versa; 2) women are much more afraid of their reputation, and I think in some ways are still

This is what shocks me. I know, as a white woman, that a lot of sexist shit was prevalent in the 80s or 90s that men seem to be oblivious too, but I only heard one (second hand) incident of someone saying n*%%&$ in junior high and high school. Of course subtle racism was pervasive. But this sort of brazen shit

I also experience a “gray rape”, and it has taken me years to actually say, anonymously, “I was raped”. I just shared my story publicly, and I debated even using the word. But I think so many women relate to that feeling of being frozen, of not knowing how much you can protest, of not knowing if the guys knows he

I had some issues with Stephen Colbert’s character during interviews for this reason. His was obviously a well established joke, but it seemed like every time he had a black person on his show, he did his whole clueless racist bit, and, to me, it seemed like it could reinforce to the guest “You are black. Let’s

Well, there are at least 3 accusations of straight-up rape against Weinstein. He didn’t feel that he needed to drug anyone though. He was confident enough that his power would protect him.

Well, she didn’t want to work with him after the second incident, despite any consequences for her career. It can take a while to recognize that something is not okay, especially when society tends to gaslight women.

Like a lunar vagina dentata.

This is horribly mesmerizing.

You will be amazed and confused about where my wand appears next!

I actually appreciate his response. Better to take a few days to try to process what he knew and what he should have known than come up with some generic statement that gaslights his ex-girlfriend and others. I mean, he is “stunned” but at least he is admitting at first that maybe he shouldn’t be stunned.

She looks so young... Now that I am 40 I guess everyone younger is a kid.

Dude. They just keep coming, don’t they?

Yeah, seems more like a case of the hospital not being sure he can stay out of jail long enough to do whatever bureaucratic surgery prep they need to go through. But, how long really do they need?

Yeah, I read it all on here when it first came out. Just given the parts of his work that make me really uncomfortable, and given how prevalent harassment is, I would’t be shocked if he were guilty of something like that, but it is really irresponsible for Jezebel, as a national publication, to keep pushing that

Seriously. That fact that Tig seems happy letting her statements implicate him makes me think maybe people do know something, but at the same time what a lot of actors are saying about Weinstein rings true - there are so many false rumors about themselves people accept as 100% true that they take everything with a

As a WASP who is well aware of how my ancestors thought Italians and Greeks were pretty dark and uncivilized, I love how she is claiming Roman and Greek civilization as peak white achievement.

I have been wondering for the last 3 months why my new TV makes everything look like a soap opera. I thought it was just the OLED screen, but I saw this thread a couple of days ago and it saved me!

I mean, I have sympathy with teachers that are fed up with attitudes, but the fact that he dealt with a bitch by explaining in front of the class how she would have to sexually humiliate herself in order to advance in her chosen career just seems....inappropriate.

Well, she turned him down and he was apparently really angry, so it doesn’t sound like he was rewarding her with an Oscar.