
As a solar installer myself, I will say that if you like the people who did your array and want them to keep their jobs and stay in business, you will take down the second photo in the article and then delete this comment here. The dude in yellow is not even wearing a harness, let alone clipped into an anchor. He’s

Probably for the last 20 yrs I have had this crazy half-baked idea of a movie involving hard partying Group B Rally drivers.  It would be original at least.

I said the same thing over dinner last night.

She wants fame.

They want sales.

She wants $$ from them.

They want goodwill from the community.

It’s literally the best win-win scenerio where both parties come out looking brilliant.

Them, for supporting her.
Her for being able to laugh at herself a little.

ok that was sick though.

Sorry I can no longer laugh at the actions and the foolishness of these Karen’s, Taylor’s, Dalton’s, Breleigh’s, Hailey’s and other fucked up damaged people that are damaging us. Why do I no longer find humor in their reckless, blatant lack of give a shit? Because assholes like this vote, they breed and they appear to

I keep this chart handy to remind myself how people can be led astray.


On a long enough timeline, every car gets an LS swap

I gotta say, that sounds like a good day.

Just last week I fucked around and got a triple-double.

That Morgan... *monocle pops out*

I’d like to take this moment and talk about the incredible athleticism that I always hear about NASCAR drivers. I mean they have to sit in a hot car for a couple of hours!

This was my first thought... What if its just some dude who put a camouflage wrap on the front of his RX8 just to fuck with paps?

But then they open a wormhole to the multiverse, linear time loses meaning and all hell breaks loose.

If they want it to be fast they will!

Well whatever they build they better put a wing on it.