

On a long enough timeline, every car gets an LS swap

I gotta say, that sounds like a good day.

Just last week I fucked around and got a triple-double.

That Morgan... *monocle pops out*

I’d like to take this moment and talk about the incredible athleticism that I always hear about NASCAR drivers. I mean they have to sit in a hot car for a couple of hours!

This was my first thought... What if its just some dude who put a camouflage wrap on the front of his RX8 just to fuck with paps?

Nothing gets past me. Except weirdly, the spelling of the word “enhancing.

But then they open a wormhole to the multiverse, linear time loses meaning and all hell breaks loose.

If they want it to be fast they will!

Well whatever they build they better put a wing on it.

Well, it’s either that or lure underage girls to their apartment for weird stuff.

“Nick, can we still use your name?”