Everything is wrong about this car and it is amazing!
Everything is wrong about this car and it is amazing!
Also titanium, not cheap or easy to work with.
I sadly have one of these. We were in the market for a 4wd drive seats 7 vehicle. I wanted a Landcruiser but my wife won. We ended up with a front wheel drive, large mini van that can go allwheel drive if it is slippery but only after an inordinately too long timeframe for it to engage. It is weighty, performs just…
I pored over his coverage in Omni magazine. It was always a slightly pornographic magazine and his ideas totally belong in it. A great initiator to thinking about design, he was definitely not following any directions but his own and totally owned. The Le Mans racer as well as his motorcycles were always I high point…
This is proper journalism. Thank you!
I say old chaps, this SUV idea has a poor ROI. Whilst waiting in my Honda personal jet I was talking with Bill Gates and we both decided that the direction of the ultimate people mover for good people of our stature would be a modern version of the Oldsmobile Vista Cruiser. Source the RIMAC architecture, develop the 4…
Obligatory Monorail
imperator all the cars.
I swear I was geeking out on an old used one on racecarsdirect.com the other day and it was something like £240k and it was used and beat. This would be a steal for that much. Though then you would need to either drive it (whee!) or put it in a museum (shame). At least with the other one there would be no sense in not…
I am going to go with the push button transmission as one of the worst design ideas going. I rented a terrain with this abomination and navigating a parking spot in a lot required me to look down, find the R button, then reverse, then look down, find the P, no wait the D button, and drive forward, then look down and…
I will say that I am not as fit as she is but if I get in behind a bus or a dump truck it will pull me along at around 40mph, however i still have to ride the bike and I have enough strength to stay with the draft for around 2 minutes. Then it ejects me. Being “towed” is different than being physically towed. If you…
Actually I don’t think any mountain bikers think they will tear up the trail, what they think and for some reason e-mountain bikers don’t get, is that they will jeopardize trail access through the perception by other users groups that they are motorized and indistinguishable from regular bikes (to these users) so all…
Another thing to consider is replacement parts. I can keep a regular old bike from 1970 going with parts off the shelf. Will the bosch or yamaha motor be available in 2 years when it burns out? What about battery packs? Heck I have a hard time sourcing a good pack for my Galaxy S5 and they made millions of those.
that’s some good internet there my friend!
How to make Nascar enjoyable:
Am I the only one that is looking at the back of that burning car and seeing zero evidence of it being rear ended? I mean there would be some damage to the exhaust pipes or even s scuff on the bumper. What did he get rear ended by? A motorcycle?
the big snit
You had it at Truck nuts. This is definitely the equivalent of those things.