I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.
I’ll pass on calling dibs. Few things are more humiliating than being underwater on a Hyundai.
I fixed it for ya.
Yeah, I’m in a Honda Accord and I wish it got to 200k miles and be maintenance free. I’m really starting to look into the Tesla as not a luxury but viable vehicle replacement.
I’m always ready to criticize Tesla but I agree this isn’t that bad at all.
The big screen on the dash is no doubt expensive but it is so much better than physical buttons. What I think too many ppl don’t realize is the screen allows the functions and UI to adapt over time. As new features are added or unneeded features are deprecated, they can be moved vs. buttons being hard-coded. Once you…
I feel like a lot of this is stuff you’d expect from any car that racks up 400k miles in three years, and I’m no Tesla fan.
If I’m driving 500 miles, I’m stopping at least twice anyway. I don’t think charging is as big a deal as a lot of people say.
That selection of beer varieties gives me a serious sad.
What peoples do you think the term BRITISH applies to?
Everything you wrote about what Cadillac should be sums up the Escalade.
What would I like to see it in? A Mazda 6 Tourer, sold in the US.
I’m 6'3" and rode comfortably in the backseat of a Fit. Can confirm.
If you can’t, then a gigantic SUV is probably not the car you should be driving.
Oh, the B is a hateful little car, but for its own unique reasons.
I liked Matt Brown’s take.
It’s the weekend. What do you want, another Goodyear exposé?
basically nobody(<1%?) takes his or her car to the track so why have sports cars at all?
As soon as I read the headline I knew. Congrats and thanks for all the great comments, I always enjoy reading your comments.
We almost got the Holden Ute if pontiac lasted one more year.
Honda Element. Fight me.