
I've read comments here in the past that have really surprised me. That's why I was a little hesitant to post this.

Let's see if Kinja lets me upload this...

Season one is incredible, but be forewarned- there's a lot of sexual violence and of sexualized violence. I'm normally very sensitive to that, and I made it through the season, but I did have trouble with bits of it.

Those kids look like overprivileged white boys - the worst kind of asshole. I watched the video this morning and internally cheered. Go lady! Kick that smug fucker in his smug little face!

Sorry not gonna let a fellow female get slut shamed. Sorry for not staying quiet about it.

Lol do you even hear what you're saying? Gyrating in tight pants? You mean working out? Go back to the frat house bro.

So, give consent once in a specific, controlled environment, and it is implied that consent is given 24/7 to everyone all the time? That's your story and you're sticking to it, really?

There's a difference between not liking attention and not liking to be watched. Someone leering at her ass on instagram is not the same as someone leering two feet away ad over her shoulder. That said, while her ass is impressive, it's nothing I haven't seen before. To each their own I guess.

Well she probably meant leered at. I can kinda see where the out of sight out of mind idea would come into play. Mentally you know people are looking at your pictures, but I'm guessing that is a whole different ball park to having people actively leer at you in person.

Sharing pictures of yourself online does not invite and allow unwanted attention in real life.

There is a difference between people looking at things you self-select to be viewed, and being watched while you go about your business.

How long until all the comments about how giving money to a homeless person is like the worst thing you can possibly do?

Hehe alright well now that I know I'm not at risk of being on To Catch A Predator, I'll just be here waiting for his contact info. Get back to me at your leisure :P

I have said for a while, since this whole disaster started, that they should have put a line in the contract when they were developing the website that anyone involved in working on the site MUST then use the site to sign up for their own health care. If that's your only ticket to the doctor's office and your kid's

fact: Bears eat Beets. Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica

However, if you are fat and pregnant, the food shaming NEVER ENDS. If a fat pregnant woman eats a Big Mac, she may as well be chugging a bottle of vodka, the way some people react. If you are thin and pregnant, then it gets to be cute and funny and everyone giggles about the cravings.


Is "built rugged" supposed to mean built well? Because to me it sounds like 3 people drunkenly putting stuff together in a cabin