Have you seen how most kids throw? My 6 year old throws like a newborn infant.
Have you seen how most kids throw? My 6 year old throws like a newborn infant.
Be careful with which wall though, depending on how close the neighbors are.
I'm from Texas so I grew up surrounded by guns and I was never remotely interested in touching them. My dad said "don't" one time so that was that. I can't imagine leaving something dangerous around my son and relying on his own sense of right and wrong to keep him alive. Our parents were crazy.
I've never liked the idea of keeping kids away from guns by telling them they're spooky and mysterious. That might make it seem appealing, like it's something the child needs to be "brave enough" to investigate. I have a 6 year old and he "shoots" rifles at the range (he pulls the trigger while someone else holds it…
Yeah the intruder will be stunned, and then what do you think they're going to do? If you guessed "Get pissed off that a bunch of kids threw shit at him and retaliate", you are correct.
Way to make sure your kids NEVER talk to you again lady. Jesus christ, and I thought MY mom was being overdramatic by crying to everyone that I stopped talking to her.
Holy crap she's hot though!
Not literally this guy, but pretty much this guy
So the article was like "These people are kind of nuts?" and they were like "WE ARE TOTALLY FUCKING NUTS!!!!!!!!" Seems like an appropriate reaction.
Right now I shower every two or three days because I'm a stay at home mom and can get away with it. When I was working I would shower every other day. I'm an "ethnic".
I love my best friend but I would never date him, let alone marry him. He spends the majority of his time playing video games, sleeping around with every woman he can find, and then complaining about all the female drama in his life. It's fun to laugh about together, not be a part of.
ughhhhhh too cute
Yeha right before I popped you could SEE my skin moving because my son was moving around and kicking so much
It doesn't smell like pee. It doesn't smell like anything. So there's that.
And not talk
The sad part is that they're no better at doing it than we are, we're just lazy assholes who use the "But I'm a dainty woman!" card whenever we want to get out of something.
It always makes me so sad when TV moms aren't exactly like their characters.
This is hilarious and I don't see how this is the most disgusting story of all time. I wouldn't tell it at the dinner table but maybe over coffee.
Anyone else think it was Amy Adams?