
"See Just How Polluted Our Skies Are By Using a Free Iphone App"a....Another life changing app from apple it tells you if its polluted air your breathing or if its clean, thanks to apples iphone now we can all breathe safer air! that how it would of went in a "What if!" gizmodo loves apple saga.

@VoidingWarranties: "couldn't HyperMac start producing their own USB to ipod connectors (which might require Apple licensing)?" apple knew they were doing this, they just want companies in general to know that apple wont tolerate making anything for there products without making a deal with them first, dont you think

@mikecoscia: it could be the sun might be pulling it in the atomic energy or fusion. who knows its mysterious and they love this stuff.

6 mph every century is just to fast for me, just imagine being pulled back at that speed & space. the force would rip my balls out my sack!

@neuralien: dont they? :) just add a little extra drum beat here & its a different beat now. puff daddy did the same thing with alot of his hit rap music, he even copied the words just changed 3 words in the song and made his millions. like i said just my opinion.

are you serious this is a rip off of the "Requiem for a Dream" basics! if you cant tell then listen a little closer the violins & towards the ending even the dramatization is a rip off. should of just stuck with the original it wouldve been played out but still much better imo.

@tylerbrainerd: theyre walking in that direction, people really dont have any trust for them. now imagine a phone with gps & all the info n data thats in there to go along with there policies. theyll own everything down to little girls journal apps.

just imagine, theyll own your phone numbers, contacts, sms messages, mms messages, theyll own every piece of data in your phone, sell it make crazy money off the info they collect. And people still want it? anyone that gets that phone is not using the logical side of there brain, and needs help.

these widgets have got to be on the top ten androids ugliest widgets charts, lifehacker you should of at least checked for some other ones that looked better & do the same thing than try and give android a bad name.

@RuckingFetard: thats what i was thinking, i have an android phone & they have way better looking widgets that do the same thing. but since its android theyll show the ugliest ones they have i guess.

@this-is-me: the samsung galaxy's has a lock screen media keys, works real good and has a little disk with the album cover pasted on it. come in handy so you dont have to unlock your device just to skip,rewind or what ever it is you want to do.

@VoidingWarranties: there is its called android, there version is the mother of all google voice apps. especially with the new widgets.

@Cole Eutzy: i was so too tired to even think when i put this in, its looks like a cheap interface really laggy and the fonts & everything else looks all to jagged to me. its not something that i would use.

i saw a windows mobile 7 phone dual booting with android, i wonder if an android phone can do the same. i would have a dual booting android & WM7 phone in no time at all.

ill buy the wi-fi version with the most gigs & Wirelessly tether it to my galaxy s. thats how i would get it if not ill do a shared minutes plan with my carrier to split uses between both.

theres been alot of android articles lately, its wierd. i have my vibrant with pda net and lovin the freedom with this phone.

sucks ass GARBAGE!

You might as well check it out, since it's what your mom's going to be using in a few months" omg, stop acting as if this browser is no good because your mother uses it. im going to try this when its ready for download and for some reason the way microsoft has been going it could be really good like most of there

being the G2 it has big shoes to fill, i think this phone is really good but being an HSPA+ phone it should have a front camera. but i guess they're not going to. :(

"with their exclusively-licensed Liquid Metal technology." wow licensed? you mean anyone can buy a license to use it. thats crazy exclusive, stop hanging off apples nutz.