
@laughplaylive: well, if you want a humble dev team, go to Zero Point Soaftware. Nothing brings out humility better than being entirely fan funded

@Komrade Kayce: yep, also, from what I have seen, DA 2 plays just like DA1 on PC, with a few MENU improvements, not "dumbed down" gameplay

@Komrade Kayce: interesting points. I agree that lots of games have gotten simpler. Homeworld, Startopia, Dungeon Mater, Balder's gate, and the entire Space Sim, management sim genre has basically disappeared, except for a few gems on GoG, like Evil Genius and Freespace2. Those are all great, complex, deeply layered

@MazdaMania: well, if you want to get, 100 completly useless weapons by endgame, be my guest. While I agree that removing armor sets and Most of the weapons was a bad move, the game was made significantly less clunky. And no, ME2 could NOT have been a FPS

@HandsomeHorse: actually since 2001 when ye old XBOX came out

@endaround: Yes Stardock, Paradox and their affiliates are my favorite small developers because they 1. Listen to fans 2. Make great gaming experiences 3. Make plain good games Just look at Mount and Blade Warband, Gal Civ 2 Sword of the Stars and Sins of a Solar empire

@Taggart6: soo true, just look at Ground Control, an 11 year old game that still looks good, plays great and cost ALOT less than $10000000 to make

@Sir Sonoma: great choose your own adventure story, bravo

@Dr. What?: garr, I have tried Rooting 3 times, but I must be doing something wwrong

@_MARVKO_: very nice, (un)fortunantly, i don not play Facebook games

@iidebaser: ain't that the truth. I admit, I abuse tabs in chrome, with a normal session consisting of about 22 tabs, which gobble up over 2 gigs of RAM. FF, from what I have experienced in the beta(am on 11) is much less of a RAM hog

What the hell happened to the "Save my Tabs" feature in Firefox 4 beta 11 when you exit a session with more than 1 tab???


@KamWrex: will solve all of your problems

@TheRealDoshu: Hey OOOH! well said, you deserve some tasty churros

@Pepe Thunder: well no, Hamil is just stepping down from that particular voice role, there are other voice actors that can do a good joker

wasn't the Probe FWD??