
Oh my God, STFU you F***ing retards. From Fox. This looks just like that F***ing retarded Mass Effect tirade they went on a few yeard ago. When Geoff Keilighy asked the woman who was bashing it whether or not she actually played it, she said "of course not" Argh, this amkes my blood boil

Acura, and by extension, Honda, WTF, the 3rd gen TL was good looking and a blast to drive. The Civic used to be a fun small car. Where are the double wishbones? Also, if the TL gets any bigger or stays the same size, kill off the RL

that would be classic

it was also the first car to have an insane amount of factory options and customization

nice, and that is still one good looking car

I can't wait

very nice

1999 TL : 216

plus, Internal combustion engines can be run on hydrogen

someone dislikes Gizmodo I see

plus, hydrogen works in an internal combustion engine

Now playing

Well, maybe not a car commercial, but this Bridgestone ad rocked

well, this would explain the build quality on most Chrysler products

What if your spacecraft was made out of a non-metallic substance? Such as a ceramic

the aliens are supposed to be only 25-50 years ahead of us, space travel non-withstanding, they land in the ocean, just like the Apollo missions and their bases are basically huge aircraft carriers. They are also insectoid

looks pretty good, like Black Hawk Down crossed with Independence Day

she is Michael Bay's girlfriend/ Megan Fox's replacement, so she probably doesn't have to be

I know, i counted 12 explosions in 8 scenes