
@MikeofLA: ah yes, also, do you remember that scene in the movie Rat Race, where the family drives that to a WW2 veterans convention?

where the hell is the Captivate update???

Cosmetic surgery eh???

@Michael Hartzler: well, lots of people today view a car as a practically disposable appliance and unfortunantly, a fair amount of cars today, mostly luxury, but the tech is starting to trickle down, will now parallel park them selves, brake themselves, keep you in your lane, make sure you don't have to check your

@Elhigh: I agree with most of this, but a carburetor, what is wrong with fuel injection?? Anyway, I can't stand push button starts, I love the feeling of turning the key and felling and hearing the engine turn over

@Michael Hartzler: Yeah, I can't wait until my body is crushed to a pulp after a 35mph accident, or when my brakes lock up and I skid into a tree

@sleazytiki: also, if its a manual, it would probably deter about 90% of the thieves

and that is why will always try and get a car with a physical KEY, not a little radio fob

@Settings: as long as the spoon or lever hasn't popped off, the pin can be reinserted and the grenade is made "safe" again

ugh, in 2-4 months here I come HTC or Motorola 4G, I am stuck on AT&T but since losing iPhone exclusivity, they seem to be backing alot of great looking Android phones, hopefully I'll get a Atrix 4G, if I still have that free update

I'm gonna go with some sort of liver cloning device

@ranwhenparked: the panther platform was 20 years old, it needed to be killed off, unfortunantly, a replacement wasn't ready but I hear the next Mustang platform will be global and will underpin a new full size RWD sedan

there goes Toyotas soul

@DiExMachina: somebody's gonna have to go back an get a s**tload of dimes

@tekdemon: excellent explanation, for further reading, check out the book China Shakes the World

@AmonSemper: intelligent comments????? I'm not sure which forums you frequent, but at least this isn't /b/

Don't you just love the Chinese government.