
@jpreis: I heard that they are trying to develop ultracapacitors to store the charge for a few shots

@Chewbenator: actually, the projectile is going about Mach 10, it travels in a parabolic arc and destroys its target with the kinetic impact of the projectile hitting the ground

@schivvers: excellent points, I too do not want my car to brake, accelerate, or steer by itself, that is the drivers job.

@shawnwilkesbooth: hell yes, to Kindle has a beard of bees, while the Nook has a nice touchscreen

@danielcital: nook, it supports google's e-pub format and its Android, plus it keeps getting better with its software updates

this looks incredible

@Rahll: he probably is getting greedy, he just bought 4-5 $1500+ dell rigs to "help" develop Minecraft, just look on hos blog

time to buy while its cheap

@schivvers: hold up, you don't like side impact and side curtain airbags?

@schivvers: the new cars will probably gang up on the older ones, causing them to crash

@Skydog: that would be a funny sight, especially if it is the leader

@MadMacs: so true, also Google's plan requires a constant Internet connection, which is what alot of people in American do not have

@FriedPeeps: I for one will never put all of my software on "the cloud". What if the server is destroyed, or the power for the server goes out, or the service goes out of buisness

then they already failed, I can't stand cloud computing for personal use, and for business, it only really makes sense for large businesses

Damn, I need one of those when I go on my 7-11 robbing spree