
Shit, that should be on PPV.

A couple of weeks ago I saw a bumper sticker on a car that said:

Honestly, right now, I’d vote anybody who cares about this country and isn’t fleecing it.

“The right holds the TROOPS to such high regard......”

Correction: It’s Cadet Bone Spurs.

Regardless your politics hoping for someone’s death who gave their life for this country is shitty. These are your feckless, spineless leaders. No honor no loyalty no morals. Salute a real soldier, not Captain Bone Spurs.

Duckworth/Mueller 2020

Former POW and torture victim says torture is bad.

Republicans all suck.

*waves a slime-covered tentacle*

Cotton candy is BAD and I will defend that take to my death bed 😇

This is brave journalism.

I don’t care about popsicles one way or the other, but the author is insane because ice cream is the worst summer dessert. After you eat ice cream, you immediately have to drink two glasses of water to clear the stickiness in normal temperatures. If it’s hot outside, that goes up. Basically, if you consume ice cream

How would this backfire? Would they retaliate by only hiring men? They actually already do this.

It ain’t my issue...I don’t check for niggas who don’t want me.

Honestly, a lot of nerdy black kids who bcome grown ass black men buy into that “I don’t like black girls because I’m such a nice guy and they all want assholes” mentality, and really it’s just an excuse because almost every man who has referred to himself as a “nice guy” is actually a raging, bleeding asshole. I know

men already hire mostly men.

Ava DuVernay recently rolled her eyes for all of us who are tired of those with power complaining when an iota of their overwhelming privilege moves an inch toward parity.

How fragile and desperately self-centered are these dudes? They can’t sttomach guys not being in charge of one thing? They should just be satisfied with the other 3.75 million things that men have strong-armed women out of.

Yes!!!!!!!!!! Real talk! Tell’um Ava!!