
You cannot deny that she’s received MUCH better press when attacking Kanye than when attacking Katy. The Taylor/Katy beef is an attempt to re-do the old Debbie Reynolds/Elizabeth Taylor drama or if your too young to remember that one you can think of it as the Jennifer Aniston/Angelina Jolie drama. It’s basically the

Famous Beckeishas: Anyone with the last name “Kardashian;” Miley Cyrus; Rachel Dolezal; white girls who twerk

Jezebel readers.

“What started as a controversial term for fellatio...”

The President* of the United States:

I mean who in their right mind could have seen this coming a year ago.......

Daniel-Day Lewis is going to come out of retirement, isn’t he?

“President fires Sun and Moon after more people turn out to watch eclipse”

Just because he was the boyfriend of Taylor’s that I remember.

She’s trying to make this like a rap beef, but on a pop star schedule

* Glorified, bad, one-time porn star, lifelong rich kid. (Fixed it for ya)

I said it once, I’ll say it again;

Counter-point: She looks incredible with short hair. Get your eyes checked.

I love really short hair. I have dreams about the day I lose enough weight to rock a pixie cut without looking like a marble perched on a beach ball. (I have a really small head.)

I don’t get how TSwift is good and KPerry is bad. It’s the same pop. Neither is great really. Talented and skilled sure. But they aren’t great musicians putting out incredible work that could potentially change the direction of music. It’s pop music. It’s fun, funny, catchy, and awful all at the same time just like

Harley and Poison Ivy (in a poly but healthy arrangement) or GTFO.

Why would Dany want a boney little twerp like Jon after having a Dothraki? Plus he’s all full of making love to a colander. Plus he probably cries after sex..........bleech.

“Donald Trump made another campaign speech, touching upon all his usual themes, in the same manner that he always does. The crowd consisted of the usual suspects, and they reacted in the way they always do. Trump made his usual racist statements, told his usual lies, continued to gaslight America, oh, and whined

Yep. I would like to see the news media give these little shows precisely the attention they deserve; it would look something like this: