
Fuck - Me too!

Ugh - I still would have sex with him. Yum.

Because she thinks she is so damn cute in that out of focus / black and white photo - and desperately needed an excuse to post it.

God but he’s so fucking fine I want him to stab me with his own bic pen...

I do wanna touch his junk too

Hmmm hot.

Ok - I didn’t read the article because you know - woman power... meh

Oh MY GOD the software / Navigation looks HIDEOUS!!

Those are some hairy legs.

Those are some hairy legs.

Just make them stop the goddamn commercials

God he is hot. I'd do him

It would really help if you guys start adding WHICH PLATFORM the game is from. It sucks we have to hunt for this piece of information

Im a nervous flyer. Reading about how pilot Mike said about how he acts when things like this happens (by straighten up his uniform and being extra professional) to assure people like me to know we are in good hands was absolutely refreshing. We do appreciate that Mike. And we love you for that.

Hmm I wanna grill the host's corn.. with my butt cheeks! :) Love the perv mustache

He's hot. I'd tap it

Where do I download this SD file with ALL the games in it? That's what would really interest me! I wonder if one truly exists... (the whole collection of games i mean in one compressed file)

note: he's hot. I'd tap that.

Vsauce (1, 2, and 3) is the Gawker of YouTube. It's the most entertaining, well made and all videos are worth watching. And not sure I'm just infatuated but all three main hosts were well picked, they are all charismatic and do not have the "I want to be famous" desperation of many other hosts from other YouTube

No love for Safari? F—-ing hate OS X Chrome (slow as fck) and Firefox is led by a homophobe, s0 is gone forever from my Applications folder....

Can you fuck it?