Jesus, that is horrible. What worthless pieces of garbage.
Jesus, that is horrible. What worthless pieces of garbage.
Some people have no value for human life, those people need to be placed in a facility that has no windows. Leave them their until they expire, society has no need for them.
They’re teenagers with a gun who tried to rob someone. Do you really think they’re the thinking type? But I’m sure they’ll have plenty of time to become philosophers in prison over the next few decades.
Jesus Christ. How worthless of a human being do you have to be to want to steal someone else’s hard earned property and then when you are too inept to use it yourself you have to kill an innocent person?
And I would say here come the comments from people who seemingly didn’t read the article but you beat me to the punch.
This is never not the right post for situations like this.
Title 4, Chapter 1
“Wasn’t the ACA the Democratic version of Romneycare, a Republican plan from his time as a governor of Massachusetts?”
No, no, no. You have it all wrong.
Cliff Notes version:
Those photos are awesome. The one with the KC-130 reflection in it immediately made me think of an actual bird of prey for some reason (not a Klingon Bird of Prey).
She’s basically saying, “This is my fucking house and I do what I want in here.”
Expensive & buggy as these planes are by the sweet plane gods they are gorgeous as hell to look at, a buddy of mine is currently a technician & he says they are equally as beautiful under their skins.
I’ll let it slide.
The progress is screwed up every time they take a phone call.
Look, they basically promoted “The Interview” on us. The first use of WMDs on US soil. #neverforget
Uh, we totally have those too! We absolutely didn’t throw them all away and stop learning to use them when we transitioned to computers. We just can’t show you, because ours are super high tech and better and top-secret.