
Okay, yeah, Josh, you *are* missing quite a bit. McClendon, Coto, Dar—it was way back at the end of episode one that saw these three meeting together (with Saul notably absent). Dar meeting with Mossad? That was episode two or three. Dar meeting with O'Keefe? That was a twist back in episode seven. Confirmation that

I'm in the same boat as you. This is exactly what I'm looking for in TV.

We've already had that discussion in another thread. I'm just pointing out to Ashley that Carrie didn't intervene or not listen; she did exactly what Quinn told her to do. That's the only thing I'm definitive about; this just happens to be a part of why I *think* Quinn used her as bait. :)

I feel like I'm being very up front about the fact that I'm guessing. :)

There's a big difference between "hard to watch" and "ridiculous," but as I said, I get where you're coming from. I'm also recapping the season, so I tend to try to overanalyze something—if I don't feel something worked, or it was awkward, I want to be able to justify where I'm coming from, or at least defend it. In

How many times this season have we been told that intelligence-gathering is rarely "definitive"? ;)

I think you might need to rewatch the episode. I may be reading Quinn's motivations too darkly so far as her being used AS BAIT, but she didn't do a "Carrie thing"—Quinn asked her to come. He told her to go into the house (and gave her the key and code). The guy that Quinn was supposedly watching with the intent of

Oh, sorry! Yeah, tag-team against Josh all the way ;)

That's an interesting read. A lot of his "looking down" on people might be a result of the damage he incurred last season, and that might be (as you say) jealousy more than scorn. (The two are closely related.) The necessary abrasiveness of his job and the ease with which he can manipulate people have, I think,

I think you've misunderstood me. I'm talking about Carrie not being able to stop Quinn from killing the guy the next day, in the Flag House. Carrie tries, and Quinn flings her off him. But Quinn also shoots him several times *without* killing him (to save Carrie) and then carries on killing him. So it's not exactly

The funny thing is that you think you're effectively trolling me because I keep responding, and not because it entertains (and educates) me to find the fallacies in your statements. But I think we've petered out here; I've already pointed out the misleading limits of the word "scoop" and I don't feel like you have

Yes, it's remarkably easy to spread false information. Which is why you should provide links and disclaimers so that people can do their own research and make up their own minds. Which was sort of a major point of this week's episode of Homeland, what Keane tells O'Keefe when it comes to releasing the unedited footage.

Yup. I don't remember if it made it into the final edit, but I definitely referenced Kerry/Swiftboat in of my earlier recaps of this season—I think in the Alt.Truth episode where we saw them making the video.

That's fine. We can agree to disagree. I'm assuming you hated such scenes when they occurred in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," or in any number of Tennessee Williams plays. I agree that it's stylized and hyperbolic, I can see how you would find it distracting. But I can understand Quinn being driven to that

Yeah, the incompetence that led to that bomb detonating was astonishing.

I think he likes Carrie because she offers him an emotional connection *without* the trappings of a "normal" life. He looks down on normal people, like the waitress who used to serve him and his undercover friends. He looks up to Carrie because she challenges him, gives him purpose. (He had a similar relationship with

I can see this being true for ISIL (see the recent Tom Clancy novel "True Faith and Allegiance"), but I don't see how it would help an actual government like Iran to have the US paying more attention to their illegal nuclear facilities. It also makes little logistical sense: the show has already established that

Quinn knows this, Carrie doesn't. I also think that Quinn would've killed him even if there was a chance that he'd talk. It was personal—watch the way that he flings Carrie off of him when she tries to stop him.

I mean, like, was this that hard?

If it were "everywhere," then it wouldn't have been a scoop of the "MSM." Look, if you want to continue to troll here, that's fine, but at least do a better job of it.