
You ask if there's still material that we haven't covered in the flashbacks yet—well, Ivo's still on the loose (though we know Oliver stops him on the island), Sara's still with Oliver, and Wilson's still alive and kicking—and hasn't yet lost an eye. Remember that it's only Year 2 over there (out of the five that he

Whether it's plausible or not, I think by the little half-smile Carrie gives as she settles into bed, and by the log-fort of used pregnancy tests that she's building in that drawer, it's clearly meant to be Brody's baby, at least in her mind.

Yeah, I've never quite understood this. Comics keep getting more expensive, despite advertisements taking up more pages (and there being digital versions to alleviate printing costs) . . . it seems as if waiting for the cheaper graphic novel is always the way to go.

Comics have just grown too expensive for me to buy in anything other than discounted graphic novel form (I'm talking about during 30%-50% everything-off sales), to say nothing of figuring out where to even store them.

I watched all of 24. It had none of the nuance of elegance of Homeland, and was all flash—I don't think they ever drew parallels between ANYTHING, incidentally, and lets not kid ourselves that they were ever anything but black and white about their villains. When twists happened on 24, they were implausible and out of

I just realized. Now that Elisha Cuthbert is off "Happy Endings," can she join the cast of "Cougar Town"? And then get mauled by a cougar?

I disagree. We were all blinded to it by the plotting, but in retrospect, it seems ludicrous that Carrie would ever go to the press—at least, that stupidly and directly—, or that Saul, given what we know about him, would ever really cut Carrie out to dry like that.

Oh, I'm not *concerned* by the fact that Leo killed his brother. I'm just frustrated that the showrunners thought it would be a good idea to introduce evidence that indicated Leo had a dark side; even if he never does anything bad to Dana, he's got her mom dreading the worst now, and I just don't see how that plot is

By the laws of TV logic, Dana's probably the safest one on the show at the moment, but in terms of dramatic narrative, even if it's a variation on Chekhov's gun—yet another misdirect—it's just another ploy to get mileage out of a plotline that is currently aimless.

I think this says a lot about the significance of Carrie's "Fuck you" to Saul, which is perhaps the first moment that she realizes exactly *what* her undercover work is going to entail.

Ploy or not, the psychic damage she sustained from "playing" that part was very real. After all, you think she *wasn't* actually being dosed with lithium? The doctors weren't in on it.

I'm with @avclub-d9c9a056f6052ffbfa3526be3478d45e:disqus here: those four hours were spent drawing parallels between characters, shading in the moral boundaries of the New CIA, giving credence to the Iranian excuse of "proportional response" mentioned in this episode, and were intentionally repetitious, so that we

Just as long as Leo's not an Iranian plant, which was my fear from the beginning, as I still think the only way to loop the Brody family back into the main plot (especially Caracas-bound Brody) is by having her get kidnapped and used as leverage.

Well, I hate how bland Mike is. I prefer that my characters serve *some* function. Then again, a lot of people—including myself—really are that boring.

Yeah, I've been comparing this to the mountain lion ever since we met Leo. (And who can forget the hit-and-run mess of her last relationship?) At least this time around, Leo was a bit of a mirror through which Dana could vent: realistically, a teenager girl isn't going to be able to talk to her mother about it. But

Todd, did I miss something? I thought the big reveal about Leo—and you knew there was one coming—was that he had *killed* his brother (or helped him commit suicide; the phrase "suicide pact" is thrown around) and might therefore be an immediate danger to Dana.

I'm doing my best to increase ratings by watching it in real-time, but I'm not a Nielsen, so… :(

I want Caleb to make it far on the show, just so that he gets more time apart from Colton.

Semplica Girl Diaries was previously unpublished? I'm sure I read it in The New Yorker.