I don’t mind the look, but this comment actually made me laugh at work. So +1.
Might I suggest...the entire United States? Because they sell like hotcakes here.
That was my comment. Damn. +1
I actually really like the looks of this car... :(
That is the best picture I’ve seen of these so far, and just like that, I’m sold on the redesign.
Your comment is correct, disregard all the responses. You da real MVP of this thread.
I can only get so erect.
This is actually great news for me. My hope for the show has been restored.
Wait, is that really called FQ for ‘fucking quick?’ I need to know it that is real.
Sexy AF. Both are, but I have always wanted a Baja.
I am a fan of ugly cars, especially ugly cars that make it through all the hurdles into production.
Me too, fantastic.
It’s not even as simple as that. He’s one of those ‘I’m just sayin’ what we’re all thinking’ types, preaching to the choir of well-to-do men. It’s mostly pragmatism, but nowadays that is not okay. He is a dinosaur, that’s really the best way of describing it.
Right? With the chicken wire mesh? I see it.
TL:DR NP! I don’t care if there’s rust, and of course it’s too expensive, but I want it.
I love this post, all the way through. As a Subaru owner who is an ass in the snow.