This whole post was an adventure...
This whole post was an adventure...
Mother of God, that’s beautiful.
Wish we had downvotes sometimes...
Looks pretty sexy to me. Haha
THIS! Aw, I love it so much...
Got-DAMN that’s a sexy car. Too bad they are all rusted to death...
This is my new sort of poster car. If the interior is any good, I would kill to daily something like this.
Pure evil, using your child’s death for profit. Good luck in hell, buddy.
Honestly, I think the Fiat is better looking. It fits more with the classic roadster aesthetic.
Never mind, didn’t realize you were being sarcastic. Lol. If not, though, fuck that shit.
I am guilty of only one of these, which is the intake. I definitely feel like there is slightly less power, but I really do enjoy the induction noise so I just left it. I can’t shake my ricer image.
Aren’t turbos just turbine-driven superchargers, technically? That isn’t that weird of a translation error. And that thing looks like it was brand-new in 1987, damn.
Does it feel like an old-fashioned truck or a modern vehicle?
I would rather have this one, that’s awesome.
Saved for that cheap light bar for my POS Outback. <3
Holy crap, either my conversions are off or that’s a shitload of power!
This is the only answer to this question. WANT.