This. So much this. A Tahoe may be faster than you think, but if you’re talking hypercar, or even supercar, there’s no way there would even be a chase (until radio gets involved). Biggest continuity pet peeve.
This. So much this. A Tahoe may be faster than you think, but if you’re talking hypercar, or even supercar, there’s no way there would even be a chase (until radio gets involved). Biggest continuity pet peeve.
A vast improvement for the only real cheap and cheerful car in the country. I hope it works for Mitsubishi.
The plastic engine covers annoy me too, but they really do help with sound-deadening, so I can’t really complain about them. Non-car people like a quiet ride. All the other details are pretend-performance, that one is at least honest.
That FiST putting its little wheel up! *squee*
Much improved exterior...much more style, anyway. But that interior looks like they just caught up with 2012, not 2016...
It’s better than a Miata for most Americans because of the extra weight and torque. It may not make you feel like a track star like a Miata would, but it makes more sense for more people.
I love it, I honestly like it more than the current Miata. It’s a Miata in a nice tailored suit, with more torque and a more old-fashioned roaster attitude. It’s high on my list if I could afford a new car at this price point.
Is it weird that I like cars with mustaches? It just seems more futuristic and ‘designed’ than the common oval grille...
I was gonna be that guy as well, thank you for taking the heat, sir.
Damn it looks nice. I hope the price point remains similar, if so it may even be on my shopping list (the tC is getting a little...totally irrelevant...*sad face*).
Sold, I love everything about this. Give it to me now. Make it sound like Abarth either stock or with some simple exhaust work.
I really need to work on my Kinja sarcasm detection...
This is dumb. Unless you can find a flaw in the FWD system, simply having FWD is not a flaw. You can buy whatever you want, but the whole ‘not-my-style-so-kill-it-with-fire’ thing is lame, overdone, and making enthusiasts hate each other.
Girlfriend’s Galant has a nice tiny strip of fake chrome (stock) there, and if the plastic end cap comes off (which it will), and you are short, it will cut your throat. Luckily, I found it with my hand instead (which now has a neat little scar).
Aw what the hell, I have seen this a bunch and always thought they were gonna back into me. Damn it, GM.
Can someone explain what a friction-test-whatever the hell is? For my friend...
This actually makes a lot of sense.
Sexy af.
I still have a poster from the 80s of a Countach, and I’m a 90s kid. I think it’s just a classic poster kind of car.
Damnit, sorry for my bitchiness. We do require a sarcasm font...