
Bottle episode tricks many people.

We smell pretty good compared to the world. So that.

Not racist Shipwreck. Even Ernie doesn't think of himself as a full fledged Ghostbuster. But he did see shit that could turn you white!

Can't we get a Dark Horse series of films as a LINUX style third option of comic series?

Get that prog rock outtahere!

Dick of the titter?

What about a T DAWG?

Agreed, the show is ultimately an apocalypse survivalist story far more than a zombie survival story.

If only a show would buy Rick's "Korl" accent.

If you unironically said some country-rock icon you could win that moniker.

yup… And I get Steve McQueen the director mixed up with David Gordon Green.

Plus, as shown in the amazing Heat downtown shootout, a great reload ups the tension/realism x10.

I think your sickness is acceptable here. My issue is why the powers that be are okay with full skull cracking and throat slashing/bleeding THREE TIMES but no well deserved fucking with all these beautiful people? All work and no play..

yeah, plus I don't see nomadic humans having anything close to the fat that a herd of cattle would have, millions roaming the country to feed on all the unharvested fields.

This is my issue with so much of the Walking Dead universe being horrible humans. In The Road it is completely understandable the state of human nature as it is more or less Hell. Granted, a zombie apocalypse is up there with some of humanity's worst tragedies, but there is food to be grown, hunted, plus there is

def using The Hunters, and hopefully dropping it as quickly to get to other set pieces in the novels.

Good callback, that was pretty awesome.

Hi five slow motion freeze frame.


I see no reason this should not happen. To Twitter!