
Harvey Weinstein will work with ANYBODY.

I would never have enjoyed LA Noire if it weren't for the LA Confidential The Video Game experience it provided.  With a little Chinatown.

I would never have enjoyed LA Noire if it weren't for the LA Confidential The Video Game experience it provided.  With a little Chinatown.

I wonder if Dances With Wolves would make it on the list anywhere.  It holds up remarkably well.

I wonder if Dances With Wolves would make it on the list anywhere.  It holds up remarkably well.

From the perspective of living through the 90s I can go with the goosebump factor.  How much my world was changed after walking out of the theatre.

From the perspective of living through the 90s I can go with the goosebump factor.  How much my world was changed after walking out of the theatre.

Get your yah yahs out

@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus Uh, he died for our sins on a video I watched in 1998.

@avclub-e7c26e48b7ee853cbf5e49de5d800745:disqus Uh, he died for our sins on a video I watched in 1998.

That hurt Dustin.

That hurt Dustin.

Morning In AmeriAIDS.

Morning In AmeriAIDS.

Oblama always makes me laugh because I hear it in a grumpy, Bostonian accent.  OBLAHHMMA!

Oblama always makes me laugh because I hear it in a grumpy, Bostonian accent.  OBLAHHMMA!

@avclub-7ac9d9554eb0440ce5b64bac13d341ca:disqus OH MY GAWD YOU ARE BACK!???  Pile of cocaine for you!

@avclub-7ac9d9554eb0440ce5b64bac13d341ca:disqus OH MY GAWD YOU ARE BACK!???  Pile of cocaine for you!

Been sick of herpes since I was 17.

Been sick of herpes since I was 17.